I had a ridiculous amount of fun this weekend.
The concert went wonderfully--we sang the three original pieces, and despite one or two mixups of when to start, we all sang the songs with so much EXCITEMENT! We didn't just want to sing the songs well for the audience, but for Karen, the lyricist, Emilie, the composer, and Mariana the director the whole time too. It was one of the most intricate and communal things I have ever been involved in and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we did!

Right after that, was the DRAG SHOW. Now, normally people in drag make me a little uneasy with all the stereotypes of flamboyant gay men dressed in ridiculous costumes and acting in an uncomfortably sexual manner. (This coming from a bisexual/lesbian/whatever the hell I am is just sad, I realize). However, I had probably the best time I've ever had, ever. Friends saved me a seat in the front row where I saw king after queen come up and lipsync their gay little souls out to a large and adoring audience on a spotlight stage. Somehow I found myself becoming part of this adoring audience, dancing along to the songs and wishing to be beckoned onstage or even approached by one. They were absolutely incredible. And there I was cheering them on--and I envied them. I envied how they could be so comfortable with who they were and how they expressed themselves. Anyways, I thought they were all incredible and I just had the best time!
So, in honor of PRIDE week, here at my college, I'm going to be cutting my hair...hopefully. There's a girl here who's certified in cosmetology and she's doing $3 haircuts. My hair is pretty long now and I'm kind of looking forward to chopping it all off. Here's to being attracted to women.
photocredit: Niharika
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