Merry Happy - Kate Nash
The one thing that never changes at home is the smell. Inside, it smells like comfort. One deep inhale of this familiar air instantly calms me and signals my brain that I'm able to let my guard down. The smell intensifies a little in my room. I love how everyone has their own smell, and how everyone's particular smell is some variation of their family's smell. I remember when I was little and having trouble sleeping, I would sneak into my parent's room and steal one of my mom's pillows. Her smell put me to sleep instantly, haha. And dammit, I hate how we can't smell our own smells. I only notice it when I walk into my room. It's like I'm an animal that's marked my territory, haha. It'd be nice to be able to smell my smell at college. It would be a nice reminder of home. But I guess the absence of it makes returning that much more enjoyable?
1 2 3 4 - Feist
Outside my house though, it's amazing- somehow it always smells like fresh rain. Like rain evaporating from the sidewalk. It's so refreshing and relaxing, it makes for such a nice day of going out.
All the Same to Me - Anya Marina
Well, I've started my crafts! The first time I tried the fabric store it was closed, but Michaels happened to be right next to it, so I went in and got some paints. I got these water color pencils that I thought were awesome, and when I was experimenting with them, they got frustrating because you could see the pencil marks blah. So I started just coloring on a paper plate and mixing water in to get the colors I wanted.
Ta Daaah!
I know, I'm a water color master.
Well the next day I went back to the fabric store and got these.
It's a nice array right? I think the cushion will turn out nice :)
Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop - Landon Pigg
By the way, these songs are the songs I'm currently listening to as I'm writing. I used to write them down like this when I wrote in my diary to keep track of my weird taste in music. Thought I'd pick up that habit again.
Anywho, I don't know if I'm going to have much time for many crafts in this next week, because I GOT A JOB!! Woot woot! My friend and I were just out gathering applications and went into Johnny Rockets on a whim just right before we were going to leave. The guy goes back to get us applications and comes back asking us if we have a minute to spare? The next thing I know, we're standing before the manager who's asking us about work experience and if we have decent transportation, etc. And the next thing I know, we were hired. It was almost impossible to keep composure on the way out of there, but we did. And right when we got to the car, we were in HYSTERICS screaming and laughing.
Such Great Heights - The Postal Service
So I'm starting training tomorrow and I'm super super nervous because the manager has like 15 cameras which she creepily spies on us from her computer in the back to make sure we're always smiling and doing something productive. She's loca.
5 Years Time - Noah And The Whale
I have a feeling we'll warm up to each other eventually, but for now I'm just gonna keep my head down and learn as much as I can as fast as I can! This job is basically going to own my ass for the whole summer, but I'm gonna make bank fasho.
New Soul - Yael Naim
Check out my kick-ass slip-resistant restaurant shoes. Yeah, I'm pretty proud of them.

Well, wish me luck!!!
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