Day 3 - Friday
The day started out somewhat late, lovely enough. Barely caught complimentary breakfast at 930 in our pjs and came back upstairs to get ready. Thankfully everyone was in “chill mode” and not yelling at each other to get ready faster (the person being yelled at was usually me, so yes, I was relatively grateful this was not going on).
Here we are reveling in the fact that it was, indeed FRIDAY. My cousin’s roommate did a project in which she had people do the song Friday in sign language, and here she is teaching it to us:
The one to the left of Alexis is my Aunt Elaine, and the one sitting on the far bed is my Auntie Linda, Alexis' mom. You can just see the arm of my mom to the right sometimes, haha.
When we were finally ready to get out, we headed to China Town where we were bombarded by short asian women wandering around the sidewalk mumbling under their breath and staring at us intently. If you actually listened close enough, you could make out, "Gucci, Coach, Prada, Louis Vuitton, etc. etc." I found this totally SKETCH. They used to have hidden rooms in the back of their stores in which they would hide these fake purses, but the NYPD cracked down on China Town pretty hard since the last time I was there, and now you have to go through this whole elaborate, sketchy process of looking through ratty catalogues, having them phone their partners telling them in rapid and angry Chinese which purse to bring out and that they needed it now, and waiting in a random store, not around them while it's brought to you. Not that I've done it or anything..haha. But really, I didn't. We sat at a Starbucks and people watched for a long time. It was a prime spot for them to interrogate and tempt greedy tourists.
Anywho, I got a pocket watch necklace that I managed to bargain down $5 cheaper, a few shot glasses since, and I can't believe this is true, I had none! They were 3 for $10 at this cute grocery store :) I'll take a picture of them later. I wanted to get a purse, but I can never find one that I absolutely love. Not there, anyways.
China Town is right next to Little Italy, so we went there for lunch. Its funny, every time we were looking for someplace to eat, everyone would whip out their phones and yelp good places nearby. Then we would go on a long hunt for it, and sometimes the place wouldn't even be there anymore. That's what happened for lunch today. The place wasn't there, and a host for another place nearby started beckoning us into his restaurant, telling us how beautiful we were, and what great prices he had, and the like. Some of us thought this would be a good place too, but a few of us, including my mother still had our phones out researching where the original place we were going to eat at had moved to. I started telling the man that we were 7 total, and he started to get menus together, but then our group started walking away. I turned to the man and said, "Oops, I guess not..." and followed my mom. The man followed, too--to the streetlight. I told the guy no, and he followed us out to the STREET! He started talking to my mom, still diligently looking over her phone saying, "What's it gonna be ladies, seven for lunch or no?" He was getting impatient. My mom looks up from her phone straight into his eyes and says, "Can you just leave us alone? Please? I'd just REALLY appreciate that." He said, "I'll leave you alone if you get away from my menus," (he had big menus for people to look at outside the restaurant)...WE WERE ABOUT TO CROSS THE STREET. Nowhere near his menus. Jerk.
Anyways, we found the original place, and it was deliiiicious. I had a fettucini alfredo :) When we were getting ready to leave the restaurant, it started to rain. Hard. At one point it got really sunny, and it was one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever seen! These pictures couldn't possibly do it justice.

After a very wet sprint home, we got all nice and dressed up for....baaaabadababababaaaaaaa!
And it. was. phenomenal. I wanted to cry just from the opening song. It was hard for some of the actors to keep the funny parts in the movie still funny sometimes, but the actor who played Scar never missed a beat. He embodied the character, he was Scar, Scar was he. In my point of view, he stole the show. But the technical aspect of it overwhelmed me the most. From the mechanical animal costumes to the perfect displays of colors for sunrises, to the entrancing african dances, it was definitely and experience. I would for sure see it again :)

We were kind of starving afterwards, so we hit up this awesome diner called Jeremy's right across the street from our hotel, at which I got a beef brisket sandwich :) nom nom nom.
Those pics of the sunshiney rain. So totally awesome.