Do you ever think about how powerful the human mind is? I do. It’s crazy intense. They say we only use 10% of our brain...I don’t know whether to believe this or not, but if it is true, HOW SCARY IS THAT?
I’ve often tried to think of ways the other ninety percent could be used and can honestly think of a time or two when I tried to telepathically ask a friend what answer she put for a test question and/or lift my shampoo in the shower. For some reason, it would seem to me that anyone who could access that unknown 90% of their brains must be either a super genius (in which case that 90% would be used towards gaining and retaining knowledge) or crazy enlightened and be some kind of demi-god (in which case the 90% would be used for some kind of...I don’t know...emotional intelligence?)
Such are the thoughts that plague me in my statistics class today.
In other news, the play is just around the corner! Nine days to opening night, to be exact. Rehearsals are getting to be insanely stressful and demanding. Usually rehearsals are exhausting because you’re pulling up all types of different emotions and trying to make them seem new and normal even though they’re obviously preconceived. But this isn’t the exhausting part of this play. The most exhausting part of this play is that it’s a freaking musical. Don’t get me wrong, that’s my favorite part about it. The songs are so catchy and really hysterical, but they just require SO. MUCH. ENERGY. And the problem is if you get caught up in the energy (which normally you would do in a play because it motivates your character) can’t sing! Which is a problem because a musical consists of mostly - you guessed it - songs.
Here is a photo of the menacing pirates!
4ever - The Veronicas
I am ridiculously excited for this show, no doubt. But I’m also scared shitless...we have nights where we’re fantastic, but then there are nights (like tonight) where we crash and burn. You’d think that by rehearsing more we’d be getting lines and actions and dances down a little better, but every rehearsal, I can just feel my energy level plummeting! Do you want to hear the saddest part of all this? I haven't had a sip of coffee in over a week!
(This is the part where you gasp hysterically.)
For you singers out there, I learned last year that coffee is one of the worst things to drink if you're going to be singing.
Rumor Has It - Adele
I’m sure it’ll all come together, but its still terrifying. Oh and because I don’t think you know this yet, my mother is coming out! (AHHHH!) Last year my dad came out to visit me around this time, but this year my mom's making the trip and since I’m in Pirates, she just decided to come out during the weekend of the play and see me in it...which only adds to the terrifyingness of it all!
Sugar, We’re Going Down - Fall Out Boy
It's starting to get a little chilly here, in eastern Illinois...

...and being from California, this is very unusual. Cold days in California are around 60 degrees and usually series of them last no more than a few days. Cold days in Illinois, so far have been 40-something and we're in that weird transition period from WARM 60 degree weather to MEDIOCRE 40 degree weather...

It's been this way long enough for me to realize that the warmth I'm used to probably isn't coming back anytime soon.

As horrible as being cold sounds, and sometimes is, chilly weather has always weirdly enticed me.
4ever - The Veronicas
I am ridiculously excited for this show, no doubt. But I’m also scared shitless...we have nights where we’re fantastic, but then there are nights (like tonight) where we crash and burn. You’d think that by rehearsing more we’d be getting lines and actions and dances down a little better, but every rehearsal, I can just feel my energy level plummeting! Do you want to hear the saddest part of all this? I haven't had a sip of coffee in over a week!
(This is the part where you gasp hysterically.)
For you singers out there, I learned last year that coffee is one of the worst things to drink if you're going to be singing.
Rumor Has It - Adele
I’m sure it’ll all come together, but its still terrifying. Oh and because I don’t think you know this yet, my mother is coming out! (AHHHH!) Last year my dad came out to visit me around this time, but this year my mom's making the trip and since I’m in Pirates, she just decided to come out during the weekend of the play and see me in it...which only adds to the terrifyingness of it all!
Sugar, We’re Going Down - Fall Out Boy
It's starting to get a little chilly here, in eastern Illinois...
...and being from California, this is very unusual. Cold days in California are around 60 degrees and usually series of them last no more than a few days. Cold days in Illinois, so far have been 40-something and we're in that weird transition period from WARM 60 degree weather to MEDIOCRE 40 degree weather...
It's been this way long enough for me to realize that the warmth I'm used to probably isn't coming back anytime soon.
As horrible as being cold sounds, and sometimes is, chilly weather has always weirdly enticed me.
It gives people a reason to bundle up and be cozy and comfortable. It gives us a reason to snuggle up with a warm blanket, hot cocoa, and a nice book (when we have time to do this, of course). It gives people a reason to cuddle with a significant other, or if you're like me and single, their moms. For some reason, the cold weather to me has some kind of romantic connotation, not in the lovey-dovey sense, but in the fanciful, adventurous, idealistic sense. It's funny that Fall is only just beginning and here I am talking about the Christmas season, ha. More on that later, I guess.
The Cave - Mumford & Sons
Things that are attempting to keep me motivated in these next few weeks:
Seeing my mom NEXT WEEK!
This is us back in New York
My awesome roommate:
Quickie fact about her -- she’s Mormon and just decided she’s going on her mission for 18 months starting next year when she turns 21!! :)

My adorable dogs waiting for me back home:
This is Lucy and her new favorite toy she carries with her everywhere.

This awesome song. I’m sure you’ve probably heard it, but for the sake of you listening to it now and hopefully being relieved of some pressure as well, here it is. Give it a listen, it may do you just the good you need :)
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